Queer Changemakers Podcast
LGBTQ+ Leaders taking action to create a better world for the LGBTQ+ community and beyond
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Goals of the Queer Changemakers podcast
  • Inspire LGBTQ+ community to take action to create the changes our world needs
  • ​Help LGBTQ+ Leaders share their vision for a better Queer community 
  • ​Showcase businesses, organizations and non-profits actively improving the world
  • ​Help Connect Leaders to new potential supporters
  • ​Highlight the challenges and promote current solutions for problems in our community
  • ​Share the true journeys, including the ups and downs, of making a difference
  • ​Allow leaders to ask for help, receive ideas and support from the community

"All of us who are openly gay are living and writing the history of our movement. We are no more—and no less—heroic than the suffragists and abolitionists of the 19th century; and the labor organizers, Freedom Riders, Stonewall demonstrators, and environmentalists of the 20th century.  We are ordinary people, living our lives, and trying as civil rights activist Dorothy Cotton said, to ‘fix what ain’t right’ in our society.” 
 - Senator Tammy Baldwin, 

Who is this podcast for?

LGBTQ+ leaders who can benefit from inspiration and shared stories
LGBTQ+ people who are looking to make a difference in our communities
LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs looking to connect and collaborate with other Queer entrepreneurs
LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs who need more inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward even when things get tough
Non-LGBTQ+ people who care, and want to learn about our community and ways to support us
About the Host
Justin Mezetin
Growing up religious, I valued service and community. When I first came out I would always look for ways to give back volunteering at the HRC, the DC community center and other organizations.

Over the years, I've connected with so many nonprofits, entrepreneurs and other leaders in the Queer community who have so many amazing ideas that can help our community thrive. The challenge is they are sometimes overworked, stressed out, and for the nonprofit leaders often needing to find more funding. 

I believe that as Queer people, we know the challenges of our community best, and we are best suited to provide the solution. So I'm launching this podcast to help leaders share their visions of where our community can go, and how they are taking action today to make it a reality.

My hope is that listeners can find solutions that resonate, and support these leaders by using their products, services, volunteering or just sharing their message more broadly. 
Are you a Queer Changemaker?
Fill out the application to share your story
I believe we can all be change makers in our neighborhoods, local communities, country and world. Impacting the lives of queer people in my neighborhood is just as valuable and important as changing a national law, or taking a case to the supreme court. I'm looking to find people making these changes at ALL levels, because every story matters. 

If you are: LGBTQ+; an active leader, entrepreneur, creator, or artist; or volunteer with a non-profit or helping organization...
If you are looking for more ways to share your vision, mission and story...
If you want to authentically share your journey and inspire others who are doing the same...

Fill out this short form to be a guest and share your story.
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